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Learn more about the Benefits & Discounts you get as a member of OFTSE & AFT...


A closed contract can be the most empowering tool for the employee at a workplace. Contracts are clear descriptions of the expectations and rights of the employee and management. Access your contracts here...


OFTSE awards scholarships each year and our members gain access to scholarships with our partners...

Who We Represent

Press Releases, Updates, Meeting Info, and more

October 2016 Newsletter

October Newsletter PDF Message from Your President If you were at this year’s “Kick Off” at the Oxnard PAC, then you heard me talk about the most important issue facing…

Ten Reasons to Join your OFTSE

Top Salaries The OFTSE has successfully negotiated to be amongst the best salaries in the Ventura County. Fringe Benefits The OFTSE works continually for you to the least out of…

What does your Union do for you?

WE REPRESENT YOU AT: • The Negotiating Table • Salaries • Health Benefits • Working conditions • Every step of the Grievance Procedure • Meetings with the Superintendent • All Board…

Certificated Negotiations Update #3

The third certificated negotiating session took place on Monday, November 30, 2015. Conversation about the calendars for the next three years continued. While both sides are showing an interest in…

What Our Members Say...

Thank you OFTSE for having our back!
HHS Certificated
Port Hueneme, CA

Knowledge is Power

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