Member Benefits
10 Reasons To Join The OFTSE:
Voice & Vote
Only members in good standing have an opportunity to vote on a contract ratification. Your union hosts members-only events throughout the year, trips to Dodger games, trips to the Island Packers, 5k sponsorships, scholarships for dependents and much more.
Top Salaries
The OFTSE has successfully negotiated to be amongst the best salaries in the Ventura County.
Fringe Benefits
The OFTSE works continually to provide you with strong benefits (at the smallest out of pocket cost) compared to other districts in the Ventura County.
Job Security
The OFTSE saves jobs when potential layoffs exist. The OFTSE and the District work together to come up with alternatives to secure jobs.
Problem Solving
As your bargaining representative, OFTSE meets with the District several times every month to solve problems before they become grievances. Our working relationship with the District puts us in the position to improve working conditions for all employees in the Oxnard Union High School District.
$1,000,000 Liability Insurance
OFTSE membership protects the member for compensatory damages for civil actions arising out of bodily injury or death of students while under the supervision of the member, or where the member is accused of assault or battery. Also, coverage for libel, slander, defamation of character, violation of the right of privacy and protection for damage or destruction to the property of others and a whole lot more!
Free Legal Advice
Members receive free consultation on all legal matters. “Union Privilege” Legal Service which provides members with, Free 30-minute consultation, Free document review, Free follow-up letter or phone call and 30% discount on complex matters.
CFT Services
The California Federation of Teachers offers discount services on insurances, travel programs, recreation, including Magic Mountain and San Diego Sea World. The CFT Credit Union offers personal and auto loans at reasonable interest rates.
It’s the Fair Thing To Do
OFTSE is responsible to the majority. Currently, non-members receive the same contract benefits as members even though they do not pay a membership fee for these services.
Unity and Strength
OFTSE is responsible to the majority. Currently, non-members receive the same contract benefits as members even though they do not pay a membership fee for these services.
Looking for MORE reasons to join? No Problem...

Union Plus Website Access
There are more benefits and discounts accessible at the Union Plus Website. To create a login at Union Plus Website you check the box that you are card carrying member of AFT #1273.

AFT Member Benefits
You can also check out the AFT Member Benefits website. To create a login to access your benefits at the AFT Member Benefits website you need your AFT member number. It is on your AFT card. If you would like to reorder your card or would like to know your member number please email