OFTSE Executive Board 2021-2023 Elections
On behalf of the Elections Committee, please welcome your candidates for OFTSE E-Bd 2021-23:
Candidate Forum Recording:
Candidate forum was held on TUE 4/27 6-7 pm.
Voting will be done by a secure email platform (Voterunner.com) with ballots emailed on 4/29 and a return deadline of 5/5 by 5 pm.
3 positions have races (Pres, VP Classified and VP Para)

Candidates - Contact Info & Statements:
Hello, I’m Robert Kadin, President of the OFTSE. During my tenure as President and in my 20+ years as a site rep, I have been open, accessible, and responsive to the members I represent. I answer calls and emails quickly, as I know that when a member contacts me, the concern or problem they have is of utmost importance to them, and therefore I treat it as my priority.
In the upcoming year the Union is going to have to renegotiate all three contracts. I have a proven track record of writing excellent contracts including the current MOU which was touted as one of the most comprehensive in the state. I am most proud of this MOU, which protected all members during this covid crisis, and also secured many added benefits to employees.
Through my leadership this E-board has accomplished achievements that no other E-board has accomplished including:
Getting 10 extra minimum days. These minimum days are true minimum days for all employees, not just teachers.
Securing $500 per quarter and $667 per trimester payment for teachers teaching an extra prep.
Not raising Union dues for two consecutive years, essentially keeping more money in members pockets.
Got extra money for counselors, SPED teachers, and SLP’s.
Worked to successfully organize a Vote of No Confidence and remove an inadequate SPED director, something most said could not be done.
Getting all members two $500 stipends for the return of students to school.
We have also
Negotiated a nearly 4 percent on and off schedule raise during a pandemic, while putting the Unit share in position for a substantial raise next year.
wrote one of the most comprehensive MOU’s in the state, to protect all of our most vulnerable members, and bring added benefits to all employees.
Negotiated favorable work schedules for all during the bulk of the pandemic year.
And through emails, surveys, and town hall meetings, continually communicated with members and sought their input.
If reelected, I will continue to:
provide outstanding leadership.
represent all members, with open communication and feedback.
be available, accessible, and responsive to all.
continue to make sure that the District treats our members fairly and with dignity.
negotiate sizable raises.
negotiate strong contracts for all three bargaining units.
I am proud to be running on a Unity Slate with Julie Cole, Michele Vivenzio, Debbie Ramirez, Ko Tamura, Carri McDevitt and La Vada White. I hope I can count on your support. Please vote Robert Kadin for OFTSE President.
Robert Kadin
805-890-9317 Cell
The Oxnard Federation of Teachers and School Employees Local 1273 consists of certificated, classified and paraeducator employees that include: secretarial staff, maintenance, operations & transportation services workers, nutrition services workers, speech therapists, IT staff, school psychologists, nurses, teacher-librarians, counselors and teachers employed by the Oxnard Union High School District. We are all in unprecedented times and what we currently need from the President of our Union is someone that has the passion, energy, and stamina to ensure that all members will not only be acknowledged and represented, but also valued, and have their voices heard with the utmost degree of respect, professionalism and integrity at all times. I am currently in my 22nd year in education, and have been in the OUHSD for 20 years serving as a Social Science Teacher at CIHS, ACHS, and now RMHS & I possess all of the aforementioned qualities that our Union needs moving forward to represent all of our members. I am a husband, father, teacher, and coach with many more years in education ahead of me.
I was raised in a Union household; My mother was a classified employee union leader in the Hueneme School District & my father was a union leader in both the carpenters’ and later the correctional peace officers’ union. I was born for this work. I believe in the existence of unions and understand the complexities that come with labor related issues. I am fully cognizant of the understanding and interpretation between the words consult and negotiate. I have the drive, desire, and experience that makes me uniquely qualified to lead our Union.
Throughout my years in the OUHSD I have been: a member of the OFTSE Political Action Committee, phone banker, worked as a Precinct Walker, been a Delegate to the Central Labor Council, served as a Site Representative, written letters to the Editor in support of our organized efforts, spoken at Board Meetings, and have always strived towards effecting positive change for our members.
When you elect me as your OFTSE 1273 President, I will:
Be accessible and available to all members.
Work diligently to enhance the formula in order to reclaim our position as the highest paid school employees in Ventura County.
Establish an experienced and capable Negotiations Team to secure a contract that protects all members.
Advocate for affordable high quality medical benefits for all of our members and their families.
Defend our members and maintain confidentiality while carrying out the duty to fairly represent your rights in all matters.
I welcome your input, and ask for your vote so that we may not repeat the mistakes of the past.
In Solidarity,
Victor Manuel Palazuelos Jr.
805-857-3571 Cell
Executive VP - Unopposed
I am Julie Cole, your current Executive Vice President. I am asking for your vote to continue in my role as your Executive Vice President of the OFTSE Union Board. This is a volunteer position and I am running because I believe in what our union is doing for all of us. If reelected as Executive Vice President, I will continue to be inclusive of all members, transparent to all members and fiscally responsible in union affairs.
I am extremely proud of all the accomplishments of our current Executive Board. Under the compassionate and strong leadership of President Robert Kadin and Executive Director Tim Allison, our union is stronger than ever. We have cleaned up some past problem areas including unfiled tax returns from several years ago and have put in place strong systems. I am asking that you support myself and our entire slate of dedicated volunteers as they have shown that they put our members first.
If elected I will continue to work closely with our classified staff contract writing team as we negotiate this contract. I look forward to working with Paraeducators and Certificated writing teams as well as all contracts are facing renewal.
I have been an active volunteer for the union for 26 years where I served on executive boards and negotiating teams, while maintaining my full-time position as a classroom teacher. This servant leadership brings me great personal joy to provide support and add value to each and every one of my union brothers and sisters lives.
I served as Executive Vice President for OFTSE for the following years:
6 years (2011-2017) 3 consecutive terms
2 years (2019-2021) 1 term
I also serve at the pleasure of OFTSE Executive Board on several other boards and committees:
4 years (2017-2021)
Voting member and officer on CSEBO Healthcare board
Voting member and officer of Retiree Healthcare Trust Board
Voting member and Co-Chair of the Medical Benefits Committee
I care deeply about our healthcare benefits and I am extremely passionate about maintaining the best possible care for all members. As your Executive Vice President I will continue to volunteer my time and effort on your behalf representing all OFTSE members in this capacity.
One of the many areas I oversee is Scholarships for our Members and their High School Seniors. I look forward to continuing this tradition if reelected.
I have a degree in Business, emphasis in Human Resources, Masters in Educational Technology, CTE Credentials in Business & Finance, Marketing Sales and Service and currently serve as Business Department Chair.
I am proud to be running on a Unity Slate with Robert Kadin, Ed Ransom, Michele Vivenzio, Debbie Ramirez, Ko Tamura, Carri McDevitt and La Vada White. I hope I can count on your support. Please vote Julie Cole for OFTSE Executive Vice President.
Julie Cole
805-258-9026 Cell
Certificated VP - Unopposed
Hello colleagues, my name is Ed Ransom and I am your Certificated Vice President. I have worked in the OUHSD for more than 21 years and spent my adult life working in and around education. A proper functioning school district requires the District Trustees, the Superintendent, and the Union leadership to have a good working relationship. When the District made the unilateral move to recall teachers against the clear language of the MOU, they shattered this relationship. All they had to do was come to the Union and express their interests to change the bargain. Perhaps they have forgotten that we the employees of the OUHSD have been here for years, and will continue to be here long after they have all moved up to the next rung on the ladder or have failed to get re-elected. A contract is a two-way relationship.
In my next term I will work to build a stronger contract and place the Union in a stronger position to defend us against the whims of adversarial Board members and administrators. I will also work to restore the relationship to create a stronger working district to benefit us all. When we work together, we can all succeed. The Union and the district are not supposed to be enemies, in fact history shows that Board members more often get re-elected when there are good relations between unions and districts. I hope to get us moving forward in a positive direction.
I am proud to be on the Unity Slate with Robert Kadin, Julie Cole, Michele Vivenzio, Ko Tamura, Carri McDevitt and La Vada White. I hope we can count on your support.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at ed.ransom@oxnardunion.org
“Not hearing is not as good as hearing, hearing is not as good as seeing, seeing is not as good as knowing, knowing is not as good as acting; true learning is action” -Xunzi
Classified VP - Open
Hello, Michele Vivenzio here. I am honored to be nominated to run for VP classified. To be honest I was not sure what this entailed. Never being a VP before. I now know and am willing and able.
Working as your maintenance plumber and taking the oath of a plumber seriously. I have applied it here at the District for 18 years. To protect the health and safety of our students and staff.
My husband has shown me that it is important to get involved in our community. He volunteered his time on the Strickland Mutual Water District board. This has taught me that it is important to get involved with matters that concern myself and effect our lives.
I will do my best and I am proud to be on the Unity Slate with Robert Kadin, Julie Cole, La Vada White, Carri McDevitt, Ed Ransom, Ko Tamura and Debbie Ramirez. I ask you for your help. Help us help you and Vote.
In Unity
Michele Vivenzio
805-207-9237 Cell
Paraeducators VP - Open
My name is Alex Barrera and I am running for your Para Vice President. As your Para Vice President I will ensure our rights are met and we are represented to the fullest extent. I will definitely be available to all Paraeducators to answer any questions or concerns that arise. I will make site visits to communicate with all Paraeducators. I understand that Paraeducators have been put to the bottom of the list when it comes to contract negotiations and I will do what is necessary to guarantee us the best contract available. Win or lose I will stay an active member of our union here to support you in any way possible.
With great regards,
Alex Berrera
805-612-3416 Cell
I am currently serving as the ACHS Para Site representative for our union, local 1273. I have been with the OUHSD since 2017 as a Para educator 1 ,working with the Autism program. In 2019, an opportunity arose to become involved with the OFTSE union as a site representative . I welcomed the role of being a liaison to provide communication and input between Para’s, Administration and the Union.. This was possible by building a trusting relationship with my peers. Attended site meetings, received training, and always gave information back to my co-workers. Being a voice for our Para-educators is a privilege and look forward to meeting other Para;s from the other sites. My goal as Para VP is to build open and consistent communication, provide union updates and build new friendships. The Union truly supports the members and willing to take on those tough battles on our behalf. Another goal will be to increase membership within employees not enrolled in Union and educate on the benefits offered.
I know have an opportunity to represent all OUHSD para-educators in our district as a nominee for Para-educator VP. Linda Torres left some very big shoes to fill with her outstanding contributions over the years as your Para-educator VP. I personally have learned so much these past years from Linda providing answers, support and encouragement. I am seeking your vote for the VP position. In 2020 , I realize the numerous challenges each of you faced with Distance learning . I want to ensure your voice will be heard for the 2021/22 school year. There are still many tough issues to be addressed , for example; return to school in fall, bargaining a new contract and many other items. The upcoming election is an opportunity for you to be involved and make your vote count. I am proud to be on the Unity Slate with Robert Kadin, Julie Cole, La Vada White, Carri McDevitt, Ed Ransom, Ko Tamura and Michele Vivenzio.
VOTE FOR Debra Ramirez as your 2021/22 Para educator VP
Debbie Ramirez
Adult Ed VP - Unopposed
It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as the Adult Ed VP of OFTSE, a position which I have held for 16 years.
I am seeking reelection as part of the Unity Slate and I would be greatly honored with your vote to continue serving as the Adult Ed Vice President of OFTSE.
In unity,
Ko Tamura
805-844-8064 Cell
Secretary - Unopposed
My name is Carri McDevitt and I have been employed with OUHSD and an OFTSE union member since 2004. It has been my great pleasure serving as the OFTSE Secretary since 2016. I am passionate to continue to serve this union, once again as the OFTSE Secretary. If re-elected, I will bring to this position the knowledge I have gained in various leadership roles in the OFTSE and from my experience working in the district.
I have been a counselor in the district since 2004, working at Channel Islands High School until 2016 and now at Rio Mesa High School. I believe that I am a person who can be trusted with confidential matters, a person who advocates for our members in a strong, but professional way, and someone who can think of the overall perspective of the whole, when advocating for change.
If re-elected, I will continue to serve in this position with the utmost integrity, confidentiality, and knowledge of our working contract. I believe I bring a wealth of knowledge to this position, providing for a diverse executive board that is able to relate to and represent all of our union members individually and collectively. I am passionate about continuing to help our union grow strong, and plan on taking any opportunities to learn and grow, not only in this position, but also as a union member, to best represent our members and provide equity for all.
Thank you again for allowing me to serve you and for your continued support to advocate for our members and to serve the membership, and proud to be running in a unity slate.
Carri McDevitt
805-844-5541 Cell
Treasurer - Unopposed
My name is La Vada White and I’m running for re-election as OFTSE Treasurer with The Unity Slate with Robert Kadin, Julie Cole, Ed Ransom, Michele Vivenzio, Debbie Ramirez, Ko Tamura and Carri McDevitt. Let me tell you, I am passionate about Unity!
As your treasurer, I will continue to not only manage the finances, I will also continue to be a bridge builder and source of support for each of you.
I’ve been teaching in this district for 9 years. I was recently appointed as a District Program Specialist. I’ve been treasurer for 2 years and prior to that I served as a union representative for Rio Mesa Adult Transition.
La Vada White
E-Board Elections
If you have any questions, please email oftse1273@gmail.com