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ARTICLE I — Name and Affiliation

Section 1.          This organization shall be know as the Oxnard Federation Of Teachers. Section 2.          The Oxnard Federation of Teachers is affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers as duly chartered Local 1273, with the California Federation of Teachers, an with the Ventura County Central Labor Council, A.F.L/C.I.O. Section 3.          Within the Oxnard Federation of Teachers, members from other school districts and from separate bargaining units may, if approved at a regular general membership meeting, organize school or school districts subgroups to be known as Chapters, each of which shall have full autonomy with respect to decisions affecting only its own unit of school district; insofar as such decisions do not conflict with provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Oxnard Federation of Teachers.

 ARTICLE II — Objects

The objects of this organization, acting in conformity with the constitution, laws, rules, and regulations of the American Federation of Teachers, shall be: To raise the standards of the teaching profession by improving the conditions under which unit members work. To utilize the knowledge, skill, and experience of unit members for the improvement of education in general through effective organized action.



Section 1.          This organization shall consist of regular and honorary members in conformity with the provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws. Section 2.          Regular membership shall be open to any person who is a member of one of the three bargaining units. Section 3.          Continuance in regular membership shall be contingent upon payment of duly voted dues and assessments as provided in Article IV, By-Laws. Section 4.          Honorary membership may be approved by the executive council for any person who has made an especially significant contribution to the work and welfare of this organization. Honorary members shall not pay dues or assessments nor have the right to vote. Section 5.          No discrimination shall ever be shown toward individual members or applicants for membership simply because of race, religious faith, or political activities or belief, and individually expressed political views


ARTICLE IV — Officers and Elections

Section 1.          The elected officers of this organization shall be a President, Executive Vice President, Vice President for each unit (certificated, classified, paraeducators, and adult teachers), a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Section 2.          The duties of the officers shall be those usual to their respective offices as described in Roberts Rules of Order, Revised including attendance at state and national conventions as a delegate. The Treasurer, in addition to the duties there described, is authorized to pay out organization funds in satisfaction of the organization’s duly incurred obligations. Section 3.          Beginning the 1997-98 school year, officers shall be elected for a term of two years beginning July 1, in accordance with the following procedures: (revised June 3, 1996) All nominations shall come from the membership and occur by the second week of April. Officers shall be elected by the membership by secret ballot which shall include the names of all nominees. Ballots shall be distributed to all members by May 27. Section 4.          Local officer vacancies shall be filed for the unexpired term by action of the Executive Council.


ARTICLE I — Meetings

Section 1.          Regular meetings shall be held once each semester during the school year. Time and place will be determined by the Executive Council. Section 2.          Special general membership meeting may be called at the discretion of the President. Section 3.          One-fourth of the regular members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or special general membership meeting. Section 4.          The Executive Secretary shall notify all members of the time and place for regular and special general membership meetings.

ARTICLE II — Executive Council

Section 1.          An Executive Council composed of the officers of this organization and the chairperson of each standing committee is empowered to transact any business not specifically reserved by provisions of these by-laws for action by the membership. Section 2.          A majority of the total membership of the Executive Council, including at least two of the elected officers, shall constitute a quorum. Section 3.          Minutes shall be kept of each Executive Council meeting.

ARTICLE III — Committees and Delegates

Section 1.          Committees and their chairperson shall be appointed by the President to serve at the will of the President for such purposes as may be directed by the President, or may prescribed by action of the membership. Section 2.          Delegates shall be appointed by the President to serve at the will of the President in representing this organization at the meeting of affiliated organizations. The appointment of such delegates must be approved by vote of the Executive Council.

ARTICLE IV — Revenues

Section 1.          Members shall pay dues directly to the Treasurer in an amount established by vote, the  Executive Council can choose to pass through state and national per cap increases. Section 2.          Special assessments may be levied by a majority vote of members present at a regular of special general membership meeting, provided that all members shall have been notified in writing at one week in advance of the meeting that such vote is to be taken. Section 3.          A member three months in arrears in payment of dues of assessments shall be dropped automatically from membership. Section 4.          Consistent with Article III, Section 5 of the American Federation of Teachers Constitution and Article II, Section I.B. of the California Federation of Teachers By-Laws, a class of members is established, which shall consist of all retired union members. Such members shall be required to pay dues at a rate determined by the Executive Council.

ARTICLE V — Parliamentary Authority

The recommendations of Roberts Rules of Order, Revised shall govern this organization in all cases to which they are applicable insofar as these recommendation are not inconsistent with rules regularly adopted by vote of the membership.

ARTICLE VI — Contract Ratification

Only members in good standing may vote to ratify a proposed contract.

ARTICLE VII — Method of Amending the By-Laws

Proposed amendments to these By-Laws may be submitted to the general membership this organization. A copy of the proposed amendments will be provided to each member with notice that they will be considered for adoption. A majority of those members voting shall be required for adoption of the proposed amendments.

OFTSE Constitution PDF